Operation: Clean our surroundings


To educate the population and causing them to implicate themselves in the cleaning of the surrounding of their houses. .


- Set up of « Groups to fight against unhealthiness » with mission consist in:
- Criss – cross the quarters, moving from door to door
- Diffuse with the help of loud speaker messages on the advantages of cleanliness and calling on the population to come out massively and join in cleaning the surrounding of their houses
- To clean in order to incite and encourage the resident population to do so
- Distribution of « educative tracts».
- This operation is been realised in collaboration with the Quarter Youths Association (QYA), chiefs of blocs, quarter heads and the divisional council.


    The elected
    Entreprises & fondations
    Embassies / Football & music stars

    Institutional partners
    Educational partners
    Donors of dust bins

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